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Our values

The sun motif in our logo symbolises our clients. They are at the heart of everything we do, and we offer them the best possible, fair and transparent advice and support based on the latest expertise.
Our story, our approach, our success
Since Soletum was founded in 2019, we have developed into a leading insurance broker. Today, our team of eight insurance specialists supports numerous companies in devising, implementing and administrating tailor-made insurance concepts.
We always strive to be the best. That is why we focus on specialist areas in which we have built up technical industry expertise to become a recognised market leader in our chosen fields.
We do what is right
We are all trustworthy professionals committed to doing the right thing, be it with integrity, based on fundamental decisions or through clear, honest and unbiased advice. Even when it is not the easiest option, we are transparent, straightforward and sincere in everything that we say and do.
We keep our promises
We are very proud that this conscientious approach has earned us the reputation of a team that keeps its promises to clients, markets and each other. We take a mature, reasoned and long-term stance in order to ensure continuity and stability – something that is especially valuable in times of uncertainty.
We work as a team
We are committed to working as a team exclusively for the benefit of our clients. We select the right talent in all our fields of expertise. By working together, we are able to offer an effective and seamless service that is both bespoke and consistent.
This professionalism, trustworthiness and experience are a reflection of who we are: We are Soletum.


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Office hours

Monday – Friday: 08:00 – 17:00


Newsletter subscription

    Monday – Friday: 08:00 – 17:00

    Kluggasse 2, 8640 Rapperswil

    +41(0)55 511 18 20